Today I’m going to walk you through my baby chick essentials- the items that are must-haves when welcoming your new flock into your home so you can make the transition as stress-free as possible for both yourself and your birds!
Raising baby chickens is a rewarding experience with its own unique set of challenges. Whether you are considering raising chicks for eggs or just to have them as pets, it is important to be prepared and know what essential supplies you need before they arrive.
Where to Get Baby Chicks
Are you looking to start your own backyard flock or simply want to add some new feathered friends to your family? When it comes to finding baby chickens, there are several sources to explore.
Local farm supply stores often carry chicks in the spring, but be sure to research the breed and care requirements beforehand.
Online hatcheries offer a wide variety of chicks and can ship them directly to your doorstep. You can also check with local poultry clubs or breeders who may have chicks available for sale.
Another great place to look is eBay!
I really have had success getting silkies from eBay and from
No matter where you decide to get your baby chickens, be prepared to provide them with a safe, warm environment and plenty of love and attention.
Baby Chick Essentials
Egg Incubator
An egg incubator is a must-have piece of equipment to add to your collection of baby chick essentials. With the help of an egg incubator, you can achieve the perfect hatch every time. A good-quality egg incubator will provide steady temperature, humidity levels, and ventilation to help the chicks develop and hatch comfortably. I really love this one and this one. It is also helpful to have a good chicken nesting pad.

Chicken Feed
One of the essential things to keep in mind when raising baby chicks is nutrition. Feeding them properly from the beginning can positively influence their growth and development. A high-quality feed with optimal amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals is crucial to ensure they receive the nutrients they need. One product that can help support the digestive health of baby chicks is the Mana Pro digestive supplement. This supplement helps chicks develop good bacteria in their gut, leading to a healthier digestive and immune system.

Chicken Feeder and Waterer
Two other important items to have on hand are a chicken feeder and waterer. These handy devices make it easy to ensure your chicks always have access to fresh food and water. By keeping their food and water clean and readily available, you can help promote healthy growth and development for your feathered friends. I really love this 6 port feeder.

Chicken Run Door
Keeping your feathered friends safe and secure is a top priority for any backyard chicken keeper. With advancements in technology, caring for your flock has never been easier. An automatic chicken coop powered by your phone through wifi allows you to monitor your flock from anywhere at any time. Not only can you keep an eye on their health and well-being, but you can also control the chicken run door, which is essential for baby chicks just starting out.

Chicken Warming Lamps and Brooder House
Another essential is a chicken warming lamp or heater. These lamps and heaters create a warm and comfortable environment for young chicks, which is critical during the first few weeks of their lives. Without these tools, baby chicks could succumb to cold weather or become sickly, which is why they are an important investment for anyone looking to raise healthy chickens.
And then say I use this crate but you can use even a big box or Tupperware bin with these pine shavings and scratch and peck feed.

Cat Repellent
One common issue that can arise when raising chickens is keeping pests away from the chicks, including stray cats looking for a meal. This is where a cat repellent can come in handy. By using a safe and effective cat repellent around the area where your baby chicks are being raised, you can help to keep these curious creatures at bay and protect your chick essentials. Plus, you can rest easy knowing that your chicks are safe and sound, free from any potential feline threats.

Taking proper care of baby chicks right from the start is essential for their long-term health, well-being, and growth. Knowing the necessary components to successfully bring up baby chicks and properly prepare the environment can be overwhelming, but with a bit of research and planning, you’ll be set for success! in no time at all, your hard work will pay off with adorable little clucking chickens running around on your home farm – something to love and enjoy for years to come!

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